Wholesale Terms


  • All retailers must provide a valid tax ID number and agree to our terms.
  • Authorized retailers will receive wholesale prices, which are 50% of set retail prices.
  • The suggested retail price (or “MSRP”) is the minimum price for which retailers are permitted to sell Beaded by Meg products. The MSRP is 2x the wholesale price.


  • Currently, Beaded by Meg wholesale is exclusively on Faire. I kindly ask that you shop through the Faire direct link so that I'm able to receive 100% commission.
  • New retailers to Faire that sign up with our link will receive $100 credit, 1 year of free shipping, and net 60 terms.
  • Or fill out our order form and email it to: meg@beadedbymeg.com.
  • $150 minimum for opening orders and reorders.


  • Please allow a 1-2 week lead time.
  • I am solely responsible for all production and do everything I can to fulfill orders in a timely manner. I will communicate any changes or delays promptly.
  • $4.25 USPS Ground Advantage, $8.50 USPS Priority Mail for domestic shipping.
  • International customers, email your order and shipping address to be accommodated.


  • Via credit card, Shop Pay, PayPal, or Google Pay on our website.
  • We do not extend credit terms; all invoices must be paid for in full.
  • Net 60 terms on Faire.


  • Beaded by Meg jewelry is made to order. Therefore, merchandise may not be returned or exchanged.
  • We offer a lifetime warranty for free repairs. Contact: support@beadedbymeg.com